Thursday, June 11, 2009

Proper Cleaning OF Your Sex Toy

Ok, today we will be discussing on how to properly sanatize your sex toy after use. First you must use a anti bacterial wash. You can buy a toy cleaner from a store specifacally made for sex toys. Or the cheaper way would be to just use dish washing liquid that has anti bacterial fighting elements in it. We're talking about the liquids you would use to wash dishes not powders or gels meant for the dishwasher.After you have washed your toy and let air dried for an hour apply a small amout of unsented talc powder to it. We have uploaded a picture to show an example of anti bacterial dishwashing liquid.....Enjoy!!


  1. We usually just buy some toy cleaner form the local shop. But I see how this could be used. It might just save me some money..lmao
